I was looking for all the unlikely causes for knock, without paying attention to the service manual. In the FSM on page EF & EC 104 there is a specific diagnostic procedure for knock- step one look for intake air leaks, step two check EGR operation, step 3 check the EGR solenoid. All I had to do was follow those steps from the beginning but I assumed that professionals who worked on my car had put it back together right so I was thinking it had to be something exotic (bad gas, faulty KS, faulty MAF). Even after I found the vacuum hose for the EGR was disconnected I just assumed the solenoid and the EGR itself was fine. But I was still experiencing safety boost. On Sunday I finally went through the diagnostic steps. I checked the EGR valve, it was working fine. I disconnected the solenoid plug... terminals were corroded. So when the ECU was signalling for the EGR valve to operate the solenoid wasn't switching on. It has been 4 days since I gave the terminals a good cleaning, no safety boost. Not being a professional mechanic I have no idea how some things happen, and obviously it was to my disadvantage. I may just keep the JWT chip for now.